Tuesday, 24 May 2011


I chose this remix because quite frankly, its FUNNY AS! Anyone who has seen this film will get the humour of it all, and anyone who hasn't seen Mary Poppins before will probably think its one hell of a creepy movie, and probably will go see it. Though unless you are under the age of 12 or something, I can't understand how you can't have seen Mary Poppins before. Another reason I chose this clip, is because it is a good example of something taken out of it's original context and turned into something completely different. Love it.

As for the Downfall Parodies, personally I have watch a few and thought they were also pretty good. Especially the Pokemon one, they even made me go out and hire the actual movie to see what it was like in original context. I don't think it  actually hurts the creator, the people who remix these clips aren't making profit from it they are just doing it for fun. It promotes the movie if anything.

 As for the Richard Prince case, my opinion is the opposite.He clearly took someones work,  cut and pasted crap all over it and called it his own and intended to make profit. Since he was manipulating photos he should have taken his own. Although being that he didn't know how to use a camera should have, aside from the obvious of learning to use one, either hired someone to take the photos for him or asked permission from Patrick Cariou in the first place. In someways such as the remix situations I think the Copy right laws are rather smothering at times but in cases such as Richard Prince they are vital in order to protect artists work being claimed by other people.

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