Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Digtital Literacy ... Week 7 ... "Can I do that?" CC issues

Case Study 1:

In 1976, ex-Beatle George Harrison was found guilty of copyright infringement for his hit single, "My
Sweet Lord." Bright Tunes Music Corporation had obtained the copyright for the 1963 hit, "He's So Fine,"
which was written by Ronald Mack and originally performed by The Chiffons. Did George Harrison borrow
his musical ideas from Mack's hit song?
Harmony/Chordal Structure:4
1. and 2. How else are the two songs similar and different?: Personally I can only really hear the resemblance mostly in the chorus. Even then its fairly vague to sue for. I mean the lyrics aren't exactly copied, they just have similiar topics. Both talking about wanting a man etc expressing their impatience in waiting for him. Its just phrased differently. Though there are plenty of singers who sing about that.
They have very similiar speed/tempo rate in some parts as well as the rhythm and harmony of the pieces, especially in the chorus. "oh my lord" and " hes so fine"  (three syllables), well as some of the verses followed, have similiar chordal struture/ melody aspects. Although slight variation can be heard towards the end of each verse. Music wise they both use a different range of musical instruments, which create a different mood/style to each song. Harrison's starting piece with the guitar in my opinion doesn't refer to any part in "He's so Fine". The guitar played by Harrison and the bass in The Chiffons song are quite similiar, perhaps the more obvious connection between the two songs but not a lot else that 'sticks' as much.

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